Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage supports the LGBTQIA+ community

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Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage supports the LGBTQIA+ community

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage has always been a place where inclusivity and diversity have been highly valued. However, as our collective education grows, we have come to understand that simply being accepting is not the same as being actively welcoming. This is why we would like to formally announce that Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage supports the LGBTQIA+ community as an official company policy.

People within LGBTQIA+ communities undergo high levels of stigmatization from both society at large and many medical providers. These continued failings have contributed to the harrowingly high rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide in LGBTQIA+ people. Among trans and non-binary adolescents studied, between ~30-51% of people report having attempted suicide. These are sobering statistics that reflect an endemic societal problem that does not treat vulnerable young people with the care or dignity that every person deserves.

We at Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage would like to assure everyone that regardless of who you are, we will respect: your body, your identity, and your experience. We have always recognized that one of the most important things a health care provider can do is validate the experience of the person in front of them. This simple act is tremendously powerful, and we promise we will always do this with every person who comes through our door.

As part of our commitment to being an inclusive space, we have made several changes recently.

  • Our online intake forms leave a place for your pronouns so that our therapists will know how to properly communicate about you with other providers if necessary.
  • Near the front desk, we have updated our signage to reflect that you should use whichever restroom facilities you are most comfortable with. Ideally, we would make the restrooms on our floor gender-neutral, but this is out of our hands because they belong to the building.
  • Additionally, all of our therapists will be undergoing continuing education on LGBTQIA+ issues from a biopsychosocial lens of care.

Being allies in the struggle for acceptance and equality is an ongoing process that we hope you will join us in. It’s very likely we will make mistakes in this process, and we ask that you hold us accountable so that we can become a more welcoming space for everyone. No one should have to worry about being judged when seeking massage therapy, and together we can build a space where everyone feels safe to be themselves.

Additional LGBTQIA+ friendly spaces:

Deep River Healing Arts- SohoDeep River Healing Arts is a private practice that provides thoughtful, educated therapeutic massage for all humans.  The founder is a queer-identified, biracial woman that wants especially to create a healing space for the LGBTQ+ community and people of color.  She specializes in massage for the transgender client, post-cancer treatment work, chronic pain management, and recovery from injury

If you want to be added to our list or you know someone who should be added, let us know!

More Resources-

Why pronouns are important 

Sexual minority women

Glossary of health care terms

To check out more of our writing on equality issues see our blog Racism is Both a Moral Issue and a Public Health Issue

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