Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

woman sweating with thermometer

Understanding Heat Dysregulation and Its Impact on the Nervous System: A Guide to Massage Therapy

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday July 11, 2024

Heat Dysregulation and Massage You may not think of massage when you think of heat dysregulation; in fact, you may not think of wanting to be touched at all. In terms of our ability to ‘feel good,’ the interplay between the external temperature and our internal nervous system is a delicate balance that affects our […]

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belly of pregnant woman for NYC massage

Is it Safe to Have a Massage in the First Trimester of Pregnancy?

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday June 30, 2024

Massage in the First Trimester of Pregnancy You might be reading this blog because you’re pregnant or you might be reading this blog because you have questions about being pregnant and receiving massage therapy. It’s natural to have reservations when contemplating a massage during the first trimester. After all, you want to prioritize the health […]

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massage of foot

Tendons and Pain: What we feel and what we know

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday June 20, 2024

Our Ever-changing Understanding of Tendon Pain Our understanding of tendon pain is ever-changing and ever-growing. We know that loading beyond tolerance creates changes in the tendon, but we once thought these changes were all inflammatory, hence the nomenclature tendinitis. Somewhere in the late 90’s people started calling these conditions tendinosis to reflect the disorganization seen […]

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a wide angle look at New York midtown Theater district

Beret Loncar’s Role in Promoting Holistic Health and Fitness in the Half Marathon Community

Chaz edward - Monday April 8, 2024

The Allure of the Half Marathon The half marathon, a race that covers a distance of 13.1 miles, uniquely combines the elements of endurance, strategy, and mental resilience, captivating a broad spectrum of athletes from seasoned runners to aspiring amateurs. Its appeal lies in its balanced challenge – it’s long enough to test an athlete’s […]

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Pre-Event Massage Strategies - Body Mechanics Sports Massage Therapist Matt performing a lower back massage NYC

Pre-Event Massage Strategies at Body Mechanics

Chaz edward - Thursday March 7, 2024

Unlocking Peak Performance: Pre-Event Massage Strategies at Body Mechanics Hello, athletes and fitness enthusiasts! We’re Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, your go-to experts for sports massage, right here in the dynamic neighborhoods of Midtown and 54th Street in Manhattan. Today, we’re excited to talk about something that’s crucial for any athlete – effective pre-event massage strategies. […]

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Myofascial Release Therapy

How can Body Mechanics’ Myofascial Release Techniques help you?

Chaz edward - Wednesday February 28, 2024

Hey there! We’re Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, your friendly neighborhood wellness experts, conveniently located in Midtown (in the 34th Street district) and on 54th Street, right in the bustling heart of Manhattan.  We’re not just any massage clinic; we’re a family passionate about sports, prenatal, and medical-massage. Today, we’re excited to share with you the […]

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Cupping Therapy: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Healing at Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage

Chaz edward - Friday February 9, 2024

In the heart of Manhattan, Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage stands as a beacon of innovation in therapeutic massage, traditional practice with the latest in science based massage  to offer unparalleled care. Among the many services, cupping therapy emerges as a cornerstone. A new and modern adaptation of old techniques. The Essence of Cupping Therapy Cupping therapy, a […]

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A massage therapist giving a massage to a patient who is face up and having his leg stretched. She is in blue scrubs and he is in white sheets

Stretching Techniques: Enhancing Flexibility and Massage Effectiveness at Body Mechanics

Chaz edward - Friday February 9, 2024

Welcome to Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, where we blend the science of healing with the art of caring. Our approach to wellness extends beyond traditional massage therapy; we advocate for incorporating stretching and mobility techniques to enhance flexibility and maximize the therapeutic effects of our massages. The Power of Flexibility Flexibility is a key component […]

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Deep Tissue Massage - Hands massaging back

Deep Tissue Massage: A Soothing Solution for Muscle Tension and Chronic Pain

Chaz edward - Monday January 8, 2024

In the heart of New York City, a bustling hub where life moves at a lightning-fast pace, many of us grapple with the all-too-familiar foes of muscle tension and chronic pain. Nestled in this energetic metropolis is a sanctuary of solace and healing: Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage. Known for its expertise in deep tissue massage, […]

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prenatal massage therapy - picture of pregnant woman

Prenatal Massage: A Gentle Embrace for Expectant Mothers

Chaz edward - Monday January 8, 2024

Pregnancy, a journey filled with wonder and transformation, also brings unique challenges and discomforts. In the heart of New York City, at Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, located at 1 W 34th St. # 204, we offer a sanctuary for expectant mothers through the nurturing art of prenatal massage. The Art of Prenatal Massage Prenatal massage […]

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