Why Yoga Therapy? Ditching the Gym
A Message from Yuliana, 
I am thrilled to be joining Body Mechanics as a yoga therapist. “What is Yoga Therapy“, you might be asking yourself as you read this. Yoga therapy as defined by IAYT, the governing board for yoga therapy, is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of Yoga. An individualized assessment and individualized treatment protocol employing all of the modalities of yoga is provided by the yoga therapist to treat the client holistically. We believe these treatments are to complement whatever traditional treatments the client is undergoing.
COVID has changed our lives in ways we could never have predicted and the wellness industry is no different. Previously I had worked as a yoga therapist seeing clients in various yoga studios. In this climate, many of these studios are closed, many of them for good. These closures and the new stricter guidelines for the re-opening of businesses have created new challenges. It is within these conditions that working within a more clinical practice makes the most sense, if not also providing a path forward for yoga therapy overall. We should not lose access to Yoga and the connection to self, simply due to COVID. To be able to work within an integrative practice will provide clients with greater opportunity to truly provide a comprehensive wellness program that manages the challenges that we are currently facing. Read more about Yoga Therapy on our website.
The benefits of practicing Yoga Therapy or using Yoga as a therapeutic tool in this clinical space are many:
- A controlled environment
- OSHA level cleaning for surfaces and blankets
- A private room with your therapist
- No high traffic gym style common area
- Personalized reception and booking
- 1 on 1 assessment and application of the therapy
- A window you can open for ventilation
Being a part of Body Mechanics, an established clinical Orthopedic Massage practice has made meeting the new strict guidelines less onerous. Like any clinical practice, many of the sanitizing requirements were already in place before COVID. As per the requirements for social distancing, clients are being scheduled to ensure the necessary social distancing. As the philosophy of yoga therapy offering individualized treatment programs, Body Mechanics also offers each client a safe, clean, and all the mandated requirements of COVID for a very special experience.
To book with Yuliana check out our booking page for Yoga Therapy!
If you want to read more about me, my practice and connect to other offerings you can explore my website at www.yulianakimgrant.com