Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

Massage therapist giving a deep tissue back massage

Do you want a Massage or a Rub?

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday February 17, 2022

Massage or a Rub? We thought it might be a good idea to do a little post on the difference between a massage and a rub. Often these two things are confused, used interchangeably and the general public might not know that there is a difference. As a massage therapist, there is definitely a difference. […]

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lymphatic massage on a calf

Lymphatic massage: What is it and why it won’t make you lose weight?

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday January 5, 2022

What is lymphatic massage? To start let’s go over what exactly lymphatic massage is. It is a light touch massage modality. It focuses on skin depth manipulation of the epidermis, in an effort to move fluid through the body. Targets include the lymphatic capillaries and the lymph nodes. It is now common to see in […]

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new york marathon at marcus garvey park

Massage Therapists and the TCS NYC Marathon

Emanuel Gomez - Friday November 5, 2021

Introduction to the New York City Marathon and Massage Every year we take part in the NYC Marathon by supporting runners in their health care journeys. We see runners of all kinds, new runners, experienced marathon runners, runners with disabilities who all have one thing in common, they think massage would be a benefit to […]

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Pre-Event Massage Strategies - Body Mechanics Sports Massage Therapist Matt performing a lower back massage NYC

Massage Therapy Treatments for Low Back Pain

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday October 7, 2021

Introduction to back pain Low back pain is surprisingly common among all Americans and is one of the foremost reasons we miss work. Based on that it is not surprising that we are always looking for ways to solve, treat, or rid ourselves of nagging back pain. The truth is though, our medical system is […]

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Can Massage Therapy Help My Lower Back Pain?

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday August 26, 2021

Can Massage Therapy Help My Lower Back Pain? Can massage therapy help my pain? The answer to this question is more complicated than you would think. Massage Therapy research is all over the map. For starters, there are some inherent conflicts with the studies because people LIKE massages. And people are more likely to choose […]

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RockTape brand RockPods as used in online Cupping class for Continuing Education Credit


Beret Kirkeby - Sunday August 1, 2021

What are RockTape and RockPods? This is a fantastic place to start as not everyone is familiar with RockTape or the products that go along with them. RockTape is a trademarked brand that came out of the whole kenisio tape popularity. Their particular tape is mostly targeted to athletes, specifically for CrossFit. I do not […]

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Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage Therapist Veronica

Medical Massage Therapist Profile – Veronica

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday July 8, 2021

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage presents a profile on a face many of you already know, Veronica Sanabria! We sat down to learn more about her 16 years of massage experience and hear some stories she from before she joined Body Mechanics in 2019. What is your clinical/career background and what drew you to medical massage? […]

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New York City Body Mechanics Adult Physical Cultre Permit

The secret permit you didn’t know existed that is ruining massage in New York City and what we can do about it

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday May 16, 2021

If you are a licensed massage therapist practicing in New York City, you need to read this article now.  9 years ago, in opening my business, I came up against a wall called the Adult Physical Culture Permit. If you are a licensed massage therapist and do not know what it is, you are not […]

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Sports and Medical Massage Therapist Profile – Zachary

Beret Kirkeby - Friday April 30, 2021

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage is happy to introduce you to another new member of our team! Meet Zachary – a dancer, performer, mover and shaker. Zachary’s expressive and empathetic personality assists him in getting to the root of the problem with his clients, to fix issues they weren’t even aware were causing them distress. Zachary […]

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graphic for equality

World Health Day and Facing the Oversexualization and Dehumanization in Massage

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday April 7, 2021

2020 was likely the first time many people heard so much news directly from the World Health Organization so it wouldn’t be surprising if this is the first time you’re hearing of World Health Day. It isn’t not marked on many calendars but April 7th 1948 was the day the WHO was established and is […]

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