Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

A massage therapist giving a massage to a patient who is face up and having his leg stretched. She is in blue scrubs and he is in white sheets

If I have a chiropractor, can I still see a massage therapist?

Beret Kirkeby - Saturday July 22, 2023

Unlocking the Power of seeing a massage therapist: A Guide to Combining Massage and Chiropractic Care for Optimal Healing and Pain Relief Introduction to Massage and Chiropractic  When it comes to seeking relief from pain and improving overall well-being, many individuals are drawn toward the benefits of massage and chiropractic care. While these two practices […]

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Massage therapist giving a deep tissue back massage

Do you want a Massage or a Rub?

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday February 17, 2022

Massage or a Rub? We thought it might be a good idea to do a little post on the difference between a massage and a rub. Often these two things are confused, used interchangeably and the general public might not know that there is a difference. As a massage therapist, there is definitely a difference. […]

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covid policys

COVID policies for Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage

Beret Kirkeby - Tuesday December 28, 2021

Covid policies continue to change based on the local ordinance, science, and the current situation. You can check back here for more information or reach out to us at Important Updates New: While mask guidance has been updated for the city and dropped in some cases, masking continues to be required in health centers […]

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new york marathon at marcus garvey park

Massage Therapists and the TCS NYC Marathon

Emanuel Gomez - Friday November 5, 2021

Introduction to the New York City Marathon and Massage Every year we take part in the NYC Marathon by supporting runners in their health care journeys. We see runners of all kinds, new runners, experienced marathon runners, runners with disabilities who all have one thing in common, they think massage would be a benefit to […]

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Can Massage Therapy Help My Lower Back Pain?

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday August 26, 2021

Can Massage Therapy Help My Lower Back Pain? Can massage therapy help my pain? The answer to this question is more complicated than you would think. Massage Therapy research is all over the map. For starters, there are some inherent conflicts with the studies because people LIKE massages. And people are more likely to choose […]

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RockTape brand RockPods as used in online Cupping class for Continuing Education Credit


Beret Kirkeby - Sunday August 1, 2021

What are RockTape and RockPods? This is a fantastic place to start as not everyone is familiar with RockTape or the products that go along with them. RockTape is a trademarked brand that came out of the whole kenisio tape popularity. Their particular tape is mostly targeted to athletes, specifically for CrossFit. I do not […]

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Body Mechanics Orthoepdic Massage Medical and sports massage therapist Matt and his new blog

Body Mechanics’ Orthopedic Study Corner

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday June 13, 2021

A collection of interesting studies, new findings or new ways of looking at old practices. Body Mechanics’ own Matt Danziger takes an inquisitive look at emerging findings in sports medicine and physiology. Normally he does this to satiate his own thirst for knowledge and drive to learn any findings that could make him a better […]

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New York City Body Mechanics Adult Physical Cultre Permit

The secret permit you didn’t know existed that is ruining massage in New York City and what we can do about it

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday May 16, 2021

If you are a licensed massage therapist practicing in New York City, you need to read this article now.  9 years ago, in opening my business, I came up against a wall called the Adult Physical Culture Permit. If you are a licensed massage therapist and do not know what it is, you are not […]

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massage therapy room

Sports Massage Therapist Profile – Alex

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday March 10, 2021

Body Mechanics NYC is proud to add Alex to our wonderful team. Anytime we hire a new therapist, we like to provide a little profile so you can get the 411 on getting to know them! You can check out a more formal Massage Therapist bio for Alex here. If you have any questions please […]

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Masks wearing NYC massage therapist

Why This New York Massage Therapist Will Probably Wear a Mask for the Rest of her Massage Career

Beret Kirkeby - Saturday February 27, 2021

Mask Wearing as a Massage Therapist When the pandemic hit New York City last year, I started wearing a mask when practicing massage in the last days before we closed. In my reasoning, even though the government said masks were not necessary, from a health care perspective it made sense to me. As a medical […]

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