Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

Tommy maggio massage therapist

Sports Massage Therapist Profile – Tommy

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday September 15, 2021

Tommy isn’t a new face at all, in fact he’s been a part of the Body Mechanics team for over 4 years! He’s treated hundreds of clients, many of whom trust him to maintain their health on a regular basis, but we still wanted to dig in and find some tidbits about Tommy that no […]

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LMT Medical Massage Therpist at Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage

Medical Massage Therapist Profile – Erika

Beret Kirkeby - Saturday September 11, 2021

We welcome Medical Massage Therapist Erika to the Body Mechanics team! She gave us some insights into her life, passions and hobbies. Take a read to get to know her a little better!

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image of massage room

Sports Massage Therapist Profile – Emanuel

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday July 15, 2021

Body Mechanics welcomes new Sports Massage Therapist Emanuel to the team! With experience in martial arts, sports, and training, Emanuel has many sources of knowledge to pull from when taking on a client! We spoke with him to get to know him a little better. What is your background in sports? Do you train? Participate? […]

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Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage Therapist Veronica

Medical Massage Therapist Profile – Veronica

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday July 8, 2021

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage presents a profile on a face many of you already know, Veronica Sanabria! We sat down to learn more about her 16 years of massage experience and hear some stories she from before she joined Body Mechanics in 2019. What is your clinical/career background and what drew you to medical massage? […]

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Sports and Medical Massage Therapist Profile – Zachary

Beret Kirkeby - Friday April 30, 2021

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage is happy to introduce you to another new member of our team! Meet Zachary – a dancer, performer, mover and shaker. Zachary’s expressive and empathetic personality assists him in getting to the root of the problem with his clients, to fix issues they weren’t even aware were causing them distress. Zachary […]

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Megan medical Massage Therapist

Medical Massage Therapist Profile – Meagen

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday March 31, 2021

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage is proud to bring you a profile on another new New York licensed massage therapist that has recently joined our team, Meagen! If you’re suffering from from chronic pain, stuff joints or have had a crick in your neck for a few months, medical massage therapy with Meagen might be for […]

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