Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

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belly of pregnant woman for NYC massage

Is it Safe to Have a Massage in the First Trimester of Pregnancy?

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday June 30, 2024

Massage in the First Trimester of Pregnancy You might be reading this blog because you’re pregnant or you might be reading this blog because you have questions about being pregnant and receiving massage therapy. It’s natural to have reservations when contemplating a massage during the first trimester. After all, you want to prioritize the health […]

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Woman receiving Prenatal massage in NYC

Pregnancy and Ankle Massage: Is it safe?

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday January 21, 2021

Why did I want to write this post about pregnacy and ankle massage? After my two pregnancies and seeing a post on a prominent Facebook parenting group for the Upper East Side of New York, I started thinking about writing this blog.  In the post, the OP had asked the group, β€œIs it safe to […]

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