Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

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Science-Based Educators for Massage Therapy

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday February 7, 2021

Body Mechanics’ own Beret Loncar was recently featured in an article in Massage & Fitness Magazine, which highlighted some of the top educators in the field of massage therapy for those in the United States and Canada. One of the key points author Nick Ng makes is that reliable and current information can be difficult […]

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hands on back providing Massage therapy

The Benefits of Manual Therapy- An Interview from the Knowledge Exchange

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday February 27, 2020

Our Massage Therapist, Matt Danziger sits down with the Knowledge Exchange to talk Manual Therapy or, rather what manual therapy is NOT in this blog/podcast One of the things we pride ourselves over here at Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage is our devotion to science and giving people a real outlook on what massage can and […]

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Massage Therapy and Pain (Continued)

Beret Kirkeby - Tuesday March 31, 2015

Massage Therapy and Pain Working with Clients in the Pain Zone This is a continuation of the last pain blog which offered some history on pain science and also some really general guidelines on massage therapy and pain. If your client has no red flags in assessment and you have decided it is safe to […]

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