Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

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Pre-Event Massage Strategies - Body Mechanics Sports Massage Therapist Matt performing a lower back massage NYC

Massage Therapy Treatments for Low Back Pain

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday October 7, 2021

Introduction to back pain Low back pain is surprisingly common among all Americans and is one of the foremost reasons we miss work. Based on that it is not surprising that we are always looking for ways to solve, treat, or rid ourselves of nagging back pain. The truth is though, our medical system is […]

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Postural Changes During Pregnancy and Prenatal Massage from Body Mechanics Massage New York

Beret Kirkeby - Saturday December 7, 2013

A descriptive video on the possible postural changes that occur during pregnancy and the use of prenatal massage. Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage New York are experts in prenatal massage care. This video covers the basic anatomy of a pregnant woman’s spine and pelvis, why they occur, and the possible effects of the changes.

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