Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

woman sweating with thermometer

Understanding Heat Dysregulation and Its Impact on the Nervous System: A Guide to Massage Therapy

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday July 11, 2024

Heat Dysregulation and Massage You may not think of massage when you think of heat dysregulation; in fact, you may not think of wanting to be touched at all. In terms of our ability to ‘feel good,’ the interplay between the external temperature and our internal nervous system is a delicate balance that affects our […]

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green spruce holiday background with a stressed out figure line drawing over top

Managing holiday stress by harnessing massage and wellness

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday November 19, 2023

Managing Holiday Stress This blog is about managing holiday stress by harnessing massage and wellness. The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, it can also bring its fair share of stress, with hectic schedules, social obligations, and the pressure to create perfect moments. Amidst the holiday hustle, one effective and […]

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