Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

Pre-Event Massage Strategies - Body Mechanics Sports Massage Therapist Matt performing a lower back massage NYC

Pre-Event Massage Strategies at Body Mechanics

Chaz edward - Thursday March 7, 2024

Unlocking Peak Performance: Pre-Event Massage Strategies at Body Mechanics Hello, athletes and fitness enthusiasts! We’re Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, your go-to experts for sports massage, right here in the dynamic neighborhoods of Midtown and 54th Street in Manhattan. Today, we’re excited to talk about something that’s crucial for any athlete – effective pre-event massage strategies. […]

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Many foam rollers of many colors all lined up

Our best tips for foam rolling

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday October 11, 2023

Foam rolling is a popular technique used to alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility. However, when done incorrectly, it can lead to mistakes and potentially cause harm or discomfort. As the New York marathon approaches, we know there are a lot of you out there foam rolling, especially in between your sports massages! Here are […]

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Beret Loncar on Air talking about professional athletes and the super bowl

Sports massage and Professional Athletes

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday March 2, 2023

Every now and again, we get asked to do some really fun things in the name of massage therapy. In this case, it was specific to sports massage and professional athletes. We treat a wide range of professional athletes at our location in NYC. We have worked with professional football players, basketball players, tennis players, […]

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new york marathon at marcus garvey park

Massage Therapists and the TCS NYC Marathon

Emanuel Gomez - Friday November 5, 2021

Introduction to the New York City Marathon and Massage Every year we take part in the NYC Marathon by supporting runners in their health care journeys. We see runners of all kinds, new runners, experienced marathon runners, runners with disabilities who all have one thing in common, they think massage would be a benefit to […]

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Pre-Event Massage Strategies - Body Mechanics Sports Massage Therapist Matt performing a lower back massage NYC

Massage Therapy Treatments for Low Back Pain

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday October 7, 2021

Introduction to back pain Low back pain is surprisingly common among all Americans and is one of the foremost reasons we miss work. Based on that it is not surprising that we are always looking for ways to solve, treat, or rid ourselves of nagging back pain. The truth is though, our medical system is […]

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Can Massage Therapy Help My Lower Back Pain?

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday August 26, 2021

Can Massage Therapy Help My Lower Back Pain? Can massage therapy help my pain? The answer to this question is more complicated than you would think. Massage Therapy research is all over the map. For starters, there are some inherent conflicts with the studies because people LIKE massages. And people are more likely to choose […]

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image of massage room

Sports Massage Therapist Profile – Emanuel

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday July 15, 2021

Body Mechanics welcomes new Sports Massage Therapist Emanuel to the team! With experience in martial arts, sports, and training, Emanuel has many sources of knowledge to pull from when taking on a client! We spoke with him to get to know him a little better. What is your background in sports? Do you train? Participate? […]

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Massage for Plantar Fascia

Plantar Fasciitis and Massage Therapy

Beret Kirkeby - Tuesday July 13, 2021

Many years ago – in what seems like the Dark Ages, I was in school to become a registered massage therapist (RMT) in Ontario, Cananada and was taught a standard massage treatment for plantar fasciitis and runners.  The massage therapy mostly focused on the foot. It involved stretching the plantar aspect of the client’s foot […]

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Sports and Medical Massage Therapist Profile – Zachary

Beret Kirkeby - Friday April 30, 2021

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage is happy to introduce you to another new member of our team! Meet Zachary – a dancer, performer, mover and shaker. Zachary’s expressive and empathetic personality assists him in getting to the root of the problem with his clients, to fix issues they weren’t even aware were causing them distress. Zachary […]

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Massage Therapy at Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage nyc

Six Easy Ways to Get The Most Out of Your Massage Therapy

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday February 13, 2020

Want to get a great massage?  We put together a list of six super easy ways to make sure you are getting the most out of your massage therapy experience.   Massage can be great…it can also be miserable. Just browse through Google reviews or Yelp reviews and you will see experiences that run the […]

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