Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

Many foam rollers of many colors all lined up

Our best tips for foam rolling

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday October 11, 2023

Foam rolling is a popular technique used to alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility. However, when done incorrectly, it can lead to mistakes and potentially cause harm or discomfort. As the New York marathon approaches, we know there are a lot of you out there foam rolling, especially in between your sports massages! Here are […]

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Running in Manhattan, Central Park

Common Running Injuries and How to Avoid Them During the NYC Marathon

Beret Kirkeby - Friday October 15, 2021

Why Inuries occur at events like the NYC Marathon In the coming weeks the Marathon will be upon us and many hundreds of thousands of people are training for it as I type. This is always an exciting time, but today even more so since the NY Marathon was sadly cancelled in 2020 due to […]

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Massage for Plantar Fascia

Plantar Fasciitis and Massage Therapy

Beret Kirkeby - Tuesday July 13, 2021

Many years ago – in what seems like the Dark Ages, I was in school to become a registered massage therapist (RMT) in Ontario, Cananada and was taught a standard massage treatment for plantar fasciitis and runners.  The massage therapy mostly focused on the foot. It involved stretching the plantar aspect of the client’s foot […]

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spartan sprint run||||||

Do You Want to Run Like a Spartan? Try a Run at The Spartan Sprint.

Beret Kirkeby - Tuesday April 19, 2016

  The Spartan Sprint run took place at Citi Field on Saturday April 16th 2016. Soooo my friends and I signed up for the Spartan Sprint run at Citi Field. What is a Spartan Sprint you ask? Well…it can be a lot of things but this one is a fantastic 3 mile + obstacle course race […]

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