Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

cross body lunge for runners

Dynamic Stretching for Runners

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday May 1, 2022

Dynamic Stretching for runners Vs. Passive stretching If you are preparing for a race, before your warm-up we recommend a pre-race dynamic stretching-for- runners routine. This is not a warmup on its own, but it will prepare you for your warmup and ultimately your race. While passive stretching is a great cool down due to […]

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new york marathon at marcus garvey park

Massage Therapists and the TCS NYC Marathon

Emanuel Gomez - Friday November 5, 2021

Introduction to the New York City Marathon and Massage Every year we take part in the NYC Marathon by supporting runners in their health care journeys. We see runners of all kinds, new runners, experienced marathon runners, runners with disabilities who all have one thing in common, they think massage would be a benefit to […]

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massage therapist hands

Sports Massage Therapy Profile -Laura F.

Beret Kirkeby - Sunday March 31, 2019

Get to Know One of Our Sports Massage Therapists, Laura! We are asking our sports massage therapists for a little extra information so that you can get to know them and their experience in sports massage. So here it goes! First off Laura, What is your background in Sports? Laura: I have been working in the […]

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wight lifting partner

Strengthening and Conditioning for a Marathon

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday July 24, 2014

The right strengthening and stretching program is important when preparing for a marathon. Strength training has been shown to improve running economy, prevent injuries, and improve body composition and resting metabolic rates. Strength training is particularly important for older runners. Endurance exercise, like running, does less to protect against age related loss of lean muscle […]

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