Body Mechanics Massage Therapy Blog

The CDC now recommends massage before prescription pain meds

Learn how massage can improve your life

Pre-Event Massage Strategies - Body Mechanics Sports Massage Therapist Matt performing a lower back massage NYC

Pre-Event Massage Strategies at Body Mechanics

Chaz edward - Thursday March 7, 2024

Unlocking Peak Performance: Pre-Event Massage Strategies at Body Mechanics Hello, athletes and fitness enthusiasts! We’re Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, your go-to experts for sports massage, right here in the dynamic neighborhoods of Midtown and 54th Street in Manhattan. Today, we’re excited to talk about something that’s crucial for any athlete – effective pre-event massage strategies. […]

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Myofascial Release Therapy

How can Body Mechanics’ Myofascial Release Techniques help you?

Chaz edward - Wednesday February 28, 2024

Hey there! We’re Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, your friendly neighborhood wellness experts, conveniently located in Midtown (in the 34th Street district) and on 54th Street, right in the bustling heart of Manhattan.  We’re not just any massage clinic; we’re a family passionate about sports, prenatal, and medical-massage. Today, we’re excited to share with you the […]

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Cupping Therapy: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Healing at Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage

Chaz edward - Friday February 9, 2024

In the heart of Manhattan, Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage stands as a beacon of innovation in therapeutic massage, traditional practice with the latest in science based massage  to offer unparalleled care. Among the many services, cupping therapy emerges as a cornerstone. A new and modern adaptation of old techniques. The Essence of Cupping Therapy Cupping therapy, a […]

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A massage therapist giving a massage to a patient who is face up and having his leg stretched. She is in blue scrubs and he is in white sheets

Stretching Techniques: Enhancing Flexibility and Massage Effectiveness at Body Mechanics

Chaz edward - Friday February 9, 2024

Welcome to Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage, where we blend the science of healing with the art of caring. Our approach to wellness extends beyond traditional massage therapy; we advocate for incorporating stretching and mobility techniques to enhance flexibility and maximize the therapeutic effects of our massages. The Power of Flexibility Flexibility is a key component […]

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Beret Loncar on Air talking about professional athletes and the super bowl

Sports massage and Professional Athletes

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday March 2, 2023

Every now and again, we get asked to do some really fun things in the name of massage therapy. In this case, it was specific to sports massage and professional athletes. We treat a wide range of professional athletes at our location in NYC. We have worked with professional football players, basketball players, tennis players, […]

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prenatal massage therapy - picture of pregnant woman

Simple ways to manage normal pregnancy-related back pain

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday June 15, 2022

f you are having trouble managing pregnancy-related back pain, you are not alone.

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lymphatic massage on a calf

Lymphatic massage: What is it and why it won’t make you lose weight?

Beret Kirkeby - Wednesday January 5, 2022

What is lymphatic massage? To start let’s go over what exactly lymphatic massage is. It is a light touch massage modality. It focuses on skin depth manipulation of the epidermis, in an effort to move fluid through the body. Targets include the lymphatic capillaries and the lymph nodes. It is now common to see in […]

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Running in Manhattan, Central Park

Common Running Injuries and How to Avoid Them During the NYC Marathon

Beret Kirkeby - Friday October 15, 2021

Why Inuries occur at events like the NYC Marathon In the coming weeks the Marathon will be upon us and many hundreds of thousands of people are training for it as I type. This is always an exciting time, but today even more so since the NY Marathon was sadly cancelled in 2020 due to […]

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image of massage room

Back Pain & Knee Pain: Body Mechanics’ Orthopedic Study Corner

Beret Kirkeby - Thursday August 12, 2021

Welcome back to Body Mechanics Study Corner where we do all the research so you don’t have to! Actually, Matt does all the research. Normally he does this to satiate his own thirst for knowledge and drive to learn any findings that could make him a better massage therapist, but once again we are offering up the fruits of his labor up to you all. We hope you find it enlightening and interesting.

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